A Complete Disconnect

The American people have become completely disconnected from their own government which is supposed to be “Of the People By the People”. The visible government comprised of Congress, the Administration and the Judiciary are merely ceremonial and are used as tools to keep the masses in line by those who give them orders and set policy. The real government that runs everything from behind closed doors in abject secrecy is the Secret Shadow Government (SSG).

A Complete Disconnect

Pravda: Aliens forced Americans out from the Moon

By GPD on January 30, 2016
Translated by Maria Gousseva

One of Russia’s central television channels, RTR, has recently aired a documentary about US astronauts who allegedly came across extraterrestrial civilizations. The film showed Russian ufologist Vladimir Azhazha and astronomer Yevgeny Arsyukhin telling that expeditions to the Moon launched within 1969-1972 allegedly came across UFOs.

The researchers state that flying objects of extraterrestrial origin were persistently spying on American Apollos. They said the expeditions to the Moon looked very much like a race and presented a film demonstrating a luminous object closely following an American spaceship. Records of communication between astronauts and the Mission Control Center were also included into the film but they were absolutely inaudible as they had been purposefully jammed by Americans. They expected that the expeditions would find something astonishing on the Moon and with the view of keeping their communication with the surface secret they encoded their messages to the MCC. When the records of communication were later deciphered it turned out that the US missions came across lunar bases, remains of space vehicles and deserted towns on the Moon…

Pravda: Aliens forced Americans out from the Moon

Under-Ocean Military Bases: There Is More Than Just One Area 51… See For Yourself

January 28, 2016 by

“It is ironic that the U.S. would begin a devastating war, allegedly in search of weapons of mass destruction, when the most worrisome developments in this field are occurring in your own backyard. It is ironic that the U.S. should be fighting monstrously expensive wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, allegedly to bring democracy to those countries, when it itself can no longer claim to be called a democracy, when trillions, and I mean thousands of billions of dollars have been spent on projects about which both the Congress and the Commander in Chief have been kept deliberately in the dark.” – Paul Hellyer (Former Canadian Defence Minister)

Under-Ocean Military Bases: There Is More Than Just One Area 51… See For Yourself


Former Jesuit Priest Exposes How the Vatican Created Islam

How the Vatican created Islam. The astonishing story from an ex-Jesuit priest, Alberto Rivera, which was told to him by Cardinal Bea while he was at the Vatican.

By Alberto Rivera

Former Jesuit Priest Exposes How the Vatican Created Islam

Neo4j Blog Integrating Diverse Healthcare Data using MongoDB and Neo4j

Editor’s Note: Last October at GraphConnect San Francisco, Dr. Mahesh Chaudhari – Chief Architect at Zephyr Health – delivered this presentation on how to integrate diverse healthcare data using MongoDB and Neo4j.

Neo4j Blog Integrating Diverse Healthcare Data using MongoDB and Neo4j

Neil Armstrong’s UFO Secret


Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, passed away this weekend at age 82.

Many have asked if Armstrong took with him the secrets of what really happened during the famed 1969 Lunar Landing. Well, yes- and no.

Over the years, I have gotten to know a number of astronauts- and very close family members and friends of astronauts. As you may recall, my uncle was the senior project engineer for Grumman (now Northrop Grumman) that built the Lunar Module, that landed on the moon in July of 1969.

The truth of that historic event has never been told. We did go to the moon- but the events that transpired were kept secret and officially remain secret to this day.

By the time we landed on the moon, the Lunar Orbiter had mapped the moon and imaged ancient as well as more recent structures on the moon. This has been confirmed by more than one DisclosureProject.org witness. So by the time we landed, the military and intelligence community- and a small compartment of operatives at NASA- knew that we may in fact encounter something very unusual there.

To prepare for this possibility, there was a time delay from the Lunar Module via an NSA (National Security Agency) uplink and other, alternative film  footage was prepared to be shown in the event of something really unusual happening.

Well it happened. Close friends and very close family members of bothNeil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin have separately told me that indeed there were numerous, large UFOs around the crater where the Lunar Module landed and that these were seen by both Armstrong and Aldrin. I have also spoken to military officers that have seen the footage of this event- but it has never been made public. One close family member of Buzz Aldrin told me “It is not my place to out Buzz on this- someday if he can speak about it, he will…”

Neil Armstrong became somewhat of a recluse after the moon landing, and rarely spoke of the historic event. His friends and family have told me that this is because he was a man of such integrity that he simply did not want to be put in a position to lie to the public about such a momentous encounter. How tragic that our heroes have been placed in this untenable situation!

When we were organizing The Disclosure Project a few years ago, I asked one of Neil Armstrong’s friends if Armstrong would come to Washington to brief members of Congress at the 1997 Congressional briefing we organized in April of that year. I was told that Armstrong wished he could –but that if he spoke about what really happened during the moon landing, that Neil Armstrong, his wife, and children would all be killed. It was put to me this bluntly.

I found this to be unbelievable at the time, but since then have found that such threats and bullying by the over-reaching national security state is routine.  A very senior scientist at the Naval Research Labs in Washington DC recently told me and the Disclosure Project team that if he spoke about some of the information he knew, that he, his wife, his children and grandchildren would all be killed.

This is no joke – and not a conspiracy theory. This is the way the highly secretive and fascist bosses in the deep black national security state operate. They make the Mafia look like choir boys.

In the meanwhile, we continue to applaud those courageous men and women who come forward, speak  the truth and move Disclosure forward. The world deserves to know that we are not alone, that intelligent life exists in the universe beyond earth and that we have amazing new sciences and technologies that urgently need to be disclosed. This knowledge will give us a new civilization on earth, without poverty or pollution- and with justice for all.

The upcoming film Sirius will advance this cause- and it must. Please help us in this endeavor- go to Sirius.Neverendinglight.com and join the thousands who are supporting the next big step in Disclosure, Peaceful Contact and New Energy.

“Childhood’s End” and the Harvest of Children (Part 3)

While the SyFy Channel’s miniseries borrows a horror cliche of demonic super-children, the novel tackles larger esoteric subjects like cosmic evolution and the harvest of a group soul.

“Childhood’s End” and the Harvest of Children (Part 3)

“Childhood’s End” and the Occult Overmind (Part 2)

The SyFy Channel’s miniseries diverges from the intelligent style and ambiguously positive theme of the book, but ultimately delivers the same occult message.

“Childhood’s End” and the Occult Overmind (Part 2)